ACL Reconstruction Surgery: Procedure and Risk - Dr. Darsh Goyal
30 Nov -0001

What is Arthroscopy?

Arthroscopy is a surgical treatment that helps in diagnosing and treating joint problems. It’s a minor surgery in which a surgeon puts a thin tube connected to a fiber-optic video camera through a small incision.

What is ACL reconstruction?

Anterior Cruciate Ligament is the main ligament in the knee. When someone is involved in a sport, especially the one that involves sudden stops and changes in direction, e.g.:- Volleyball, soccer, basketball, football, etc. This surgery is performed by a surgical doctor who specializes in bones and joints.

Ligaments are influential bands of tissue that connect one bone to another. During ACL reconstruction, the torn ligament is separated and restored with a band of tissue that generally joins muscle to bone. The graft tendon is collected from another part of your knee.

Why is ACL reconstruction needed?

The ACL is among the two ligaments that intersect in the middle of the knee and join the thighbone to the shinbone and assist in stabilizing the knee joint. Usually, the injuries to the anterior cruciate ligament at the time of doing fitness activities and sports can put a strain on the knee:

  • *Suddenly slowing down and changing direction
  • * Pivoting with your foot firmly planted

* Landing from a jump incorrectly

* Stopping suddenly

* Receiving a direct blow to the knee

A path of physical therapy may successfully treat an ACL injury for comparatively inactive people, engross in decent exercise and recreational activities, or play sports that put less stress on the knees.

ACL reconstruction is usually recommended if:

* The injury is making your knee buckle during day to day task

* You have a torn meniscus that needs to be fixed.

* You're a sportsperson and planning to continue in your sport.

* More than one ligament of yours is wounded.

ACL reconstruction Procedure

During ACL reconstruction, they first inject you with general anesthesia to prevent pain during surgery. This process is generally performed through tiny cuts. They will carry a tube-like video camera from one incision, and surgical tools will be inserted through other cuts.
During the Procedure:- Your surgeon will remove your injured ligament and replace it with a part of the tendon. This replacement substance is known as a graft, and it is either brought out from tissue from a deceased donor or another part of your knee. The surgeon will drill holes into the shinbone and thighbone to position the graft properly. The graft will serve as a platform for new ligament tissue to develop.

Post Procedure:- The patient can go back home on the same day if they are recuperated from the general anesthesia. The surgeon will recommend the patient wear a knee brace that will assist them in securing the graft. The patient will also be asked to practice walking with crutches. 

You will also be instructed about managing the pain and swelling post-surgery. Your leg should stay uplifted. Remember to put ice or cold wrap on your knee and relax. Follow the guidelines on when to shower and change the wound dressing.
It is crucial to follow a rehabilitation plan to attain the best possible outcome. After the ACL surgery, ensure to go to physical therapy. It will assist you in improving flexibility and bracing the knee muscles. You will learn about the exercises you can easily follow in your home.

Results:- Usually, the complete recovery takes at least nine months. The initial few weeks of post-surgery demand the patient work on restoring a level of motion that is at least similar to their opposite knee. To fix the knee's functioning and stability, it is crucial to have a successful ACL reconstruction and an attentive rehabilitation.

The Do’s and Don’ts After ACL reconstruction Surgery


It is essential to ensure that your knee joint is kept straight just later your ACL reconstruction. It will be a little uncomfortable and painful, but it will help the joint recover appropriately without causing any trouble to your newly-fixed ligament.


Using either crutches or a wheelchair is strictly guided if you feel like walking. And make sure to follow this guideline till the surgeon allow you to put pressure on your knee.


A knee brace, especially in summers, can feel uncomfortable, itchy, and hot. However, it will assist you in balancing your knee while increasing your recovery. Make sure that you wear it all the time and everywhere.


It is good to follow a rehabilitation plan to restore the movement and flexibility of your knee but make sure not to push yourself. During the recovery period and until the doctor allows you, avoid swimming, cycling, walking, and bending or extending your knee. 


To get your knee back to work, it is essential that you sincerely do the scheduled follow-ups with your knee surgeon. It will help you to recover as fast as possible.


ACL reconstruction is a surgical method in which the risk of getting infection and bleeding during surgical site is very likely. Other threats are related to ACL reconstruction:-

*Graft failure after returning to sport

*Knee pain or stiffness

*Poor healing of the graft

Why Dr. Darsh Goyal is the best choice for your ACL reconstruction surgery?

Dr. Darsh Goyal is a renowned Orthopedic Surgeon who has experience of nearly two decades in knee and shoulder surgery. He has worked in some of the finest hospitals across the globe. He has successfully treated more than nine thousand patients. Dr. Darsh has received training from some of the most respected institutes worldwide - NHS England, Hss New York, USA, and Munich, Germany. He has written many books and international papers. Dr. Goyal’s Bones & Joint Centre is among the best centers for advanced Arthroscopy/Laser Surgery for knee and shoulder and Fast track Total knee Replacement.


Q1) Which Graft is better for acl reconstruction?

The patellar tendon graft has always been considered the best graft for ACL reconstruction. Using a patellar tendon graft gives you the best possibility of getting back to normal predictably.

Q2) What is the success rate of acl reconstruction?

Anterior Cruciate Ligament reconstruction surgery has a success rate of 80%-90%. 

Q3) How much does acl reconstruction surgery cost?

The exact cost depends upon the patient's medical condition, the severity of the affected joint, surgical method, whether diagnostic or therapeutic Arthscopy, pre & post-surgery medications & follow-ups required, including physiotherapy. ACL reconstruction surgery provided by Dr. Darsh Goyal's Bones & Joint Center ranges between 80,000 to 2.5 lakh Rupees.

Q4) Can I walk after acl reconstruction?

Yes, you can walk after a successful ACL reconstruction surgery, but it will take time, patience, and effort. Within two to four weeks, you can walk unassisted, but it will be of short duration. After complete recovery, that is, at least from six to twelve months, you can walk properly and normally.